Become a Festival Sponsor

Sponsorships come in Many Shapes and Sizes and keep in mind that we are a nonprofit 501(c3) corporation so check with your tax accountant for deductibility.

Poster Sponsor

Each year we print 200 to 300 full color, 12″x18″ poster that we hang up in area business windows and bulletin  boards.

Each sponsor gets a small business card sized ad on the poster.

We limit the number of poster sponsor to 15

Cost is $125

Newspaper Sponsor

Starting in 2023 we produced a “historic” Sidney Gold Rush Days Newspaper in conjunction with the Sidney Sun Telegraph

This newspaper is inserted into the Sidney Sun Telegraph 8 days prior to our festival. Approximately 700 additional copies of the newspaper are printed and distributed both prior to the festival and at the festival.

Advertisement sizes start at 2 columns by 2 inches for  $48 and go up to a full page 6 columns by 11.5″ for $828.  Cost is $12 per column inch

Banner Sponsor

For a cost of $100 we will hang up your banner in our main performance tent.

If you don’t have a banner, we can design and have one produced for you at an additional cost.

Raffle Sponsor

We gladly accept gift cards, discount cards, and merchandise that we can include as raffle prizes.

Other Sponsors

We gladly accept sponsorships in many different forms.   If you are interested, please reach out to us with your ideas.