Past Entertainment

Calamity Jane

Energetic portrayal by Jena Sierks

Buffalo Bill

Portrayal by Dion Chaon

Sandra Kay Buckner

Kelsey Arrington

Gold Canyon Gun Fighters

Old West shoot ’em up skits

Fashion Show

Brought to you by Saunders Costumes

Peter & Kathy Gibbs

Come to us from Rosebud, SD

Chris Gutierrez

Our master of ceremonies and a talented local vocalist.

Jacie McConnell

The Little Fiddler and Story Teller

Rex Rideout

Rex is a longtime student of the music and songs of the 19th-Century American West. As the proprietor of Time Travel Music, Rex has performed at countless historic sites and museums across the West. His music has also been featured on television and radio. Rex plays many musical instruments: mandolin, fiddle, guitar, banjo, and tin whistle, to name just a few.

Charlotte Endorf

Charlotte Endorf is a lifelong Nebraskan. She specializes in speaking to elementary schools, women’s groups, museums, town festivals, senior centers, nursing homes and libraries throughout Nebraska, accurately describing the story of the platform girls of the Canteen, Annie Oakley, the Orphan Train and Grace Snyder. She has written several poems and developed documentaries that keep history alive.

Dan Holtz

Caryl Harvey

Historic portrayal of Sara Ann Whitney who walked the Oregon Trail in 1859

David Marsh

Snake Oil Salesman

Gordy Wilkins

Local Historian

Jerry Lucas

Jerry has had an interest in western expansion history since he was about 10 years old. He lived in Lawrence, KS at that time. Lawrence was on a branch of the Santa Fe and Oregon trails and he would explore the area looking for artifacts and relics. He would also spend time at the museum of natural history on the university campus fascinated by the display of Comanche, the horse found alive at the Battle of the little Big Horn.
He is a US Army veteran, a former teacher, a retired postal service employee, and a National Parks Service ranger. He now volunteers at Scotts Bluff National Monument doing living history and telling the story of Hiram Scott. He has been researching Hiram Scott vigorously since 2006, and continues to follow leads to find the facts and establish a foundation for the myth and legend as it is presented today.

Bob & Sheila Everhart

Smithsonian Institution

Aspen County Band

Dobby's Kids

Chris Sayre

Lincoln native Chris Sayre has been performing music professionally for over 40 years. He has dedicated much of that time to the promotion and preservation of traditional folk music from Western Europe and North America. A few of the instruments he plays are the Button Accordion, Concertina, Dulcimer, Guitar, Mandolin, and Saw.

David Seay

Paul Siebert

Green Valley Homesteaders

Joan Wells

Jerome Kills Small

Michael Murphy

Colorado Trailblazers

Cheyenne County Band

High Horses Band

Ted Peetz